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Uniform & Dress Code

Order Uniform

Ordering School Uniforms

We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.

You can order and pay for school uniform online from Schoolwear Direct    

The School Uniform Shop, Hereford  by following the link The School Uniform Shop

or MyClothing

Our main colours are navy, grey & white

School footwear should be flat, sensible shoes, NOT trainers, in black or navy colour. Appropriate and safe sandals are permitted in the summer.

The wearing of jewellery is not permitted except for stud earrings. Watches may be worn.

Long hair needs to be tied back for Health and Safety reasons.

Girl's Uniform

Boy's Uniform

P.E. & Games Kit

We expect all children to change before and after physical activity. For indoor activities in the hall, children perform in bare feet for safety reasons. Please provide a named P.E. bag for storing P.E. kit.

NOTE: – Parents who wish their child to wear goggles for swimming must sign a form in school every September that states they accept the liability for their child wearing goggles.