Marden Primary Academy

A Place For Learning Development Fun

Important Announcements:
Our Open Day is on Wednesday 9th October. All prospective parents are welcome. If you can’t make the Open Day and would like a tour, please contact the school office to book.
Contact the school office if you would like a paper copy of this school website.

Welcome from the Headteacher

A very warm welcome to Marden Primary Academy.
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of such a positive and happy school. Our children are kind and caring and do their very best in all that they do.

Marden Pre-School

Think, problem solve, explore and investigate. These are just a few of the skills and qualities that children will develop at Marden Pre-school Hereford. Since our founded, we’ve focused on supporting children’s during all transitions throughout childhood.

All activities are designed to adequately nurture the emotional and intellectual growth of your children, through stimulating activities and hands-on learning opportunities, young children are free to develop skills for life. To learn more about what we do or book a virtual tour. Contact us.

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