Class 3 – Stone Age to Iron Age


Class 3 have really enjoyed learning about prehistory this term, from the Stone age to the Iron age. 

At the beginning of the Stone age, most of Britain was covered in ice sheets. The areas covered in ice sheets in Europe were mainly Britain, Northern Europe, Scandinavia. In the Stone age they hunted and killed animals for food and to make clothes. In the Stone age they hunted in groups and had tipi-shaped houses. And they had no electricity! The stone age was split into three parts: Neolithic, Mesolithic and Paleolithic. We found out that Stonehenge was built in the Neolithic period. They caught wild pigs, red deer, elk and huge wild cows.

In the Bronze age they mixed tin and copper to make bronze. Chiefs would trade objects, such as precious stones, for copper and tin ingots. People would trade all sorts of things for copper and bronze. The chief’s shaman who is in charge of metalworking would then work with the copper and tin with his apprentices to make objects such as swords, shields and bronze tools.

By the end of the Iron age, the Romans and Greeks had reached Northern Europe and Britain and with them, brought writing! We looked at Roman and Greek accounts of Britain at that time to see how different they were. We then made posters about everything we have learned about prehistory (before written history).

Our favourite period to learn about was the Bronze age! It was interesting because by that time they had started trading and living in more permanent settlements.

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